Terms & Conditions
Payment must be made to attend classes with the exception of Free Trials. 4 weeks written notice via email to accounts@dancewestscotland.co.uk must be given when withdrawing from a class or cancelling subscription/monthly payment.
Galaxy membership fee is due each season.
Team Choreography is an additional expense.
Block/Term/Subscription Payments are non-refundable even if not attended. Payments made for displays, competitions, events and camps are non-refunable unless cancelled by us.
Cancelled classes will be re-scheduled and not refunded unless exceptional circumstances apply.
The removal of dancers mid season for reason outwith health will incur the cost of the full team entry if team is removed from the rosta.
All comp team costumes are hired unless prior arrangements have been made. All costumes must be returned at the end of the season in a good quality state.
Parents are not permitted to contact event producers directly. Parents and dancers are reminded to always show good sportsmanship at comps to other dancers, teams and event organisers. Any inappropriate behaviour at comps from parents of dancers may result in full exclusion from the team.
Emergency contact info and medical info must be kept up to date. First Aid will be administered by qualified First Aider if deemed to be required, only written exemption to this accepted.
Parents are not permitted to enter the class. Hand sanitising before and after class is recommended.
Please do not bring peanut based snacks to class.